- Pamela MacDonald profile
- pamela@departurestravel.com
Pamela MacDonald is a successful travel consultant who walks her talk. Retired from her Government career, she has been travelling and hosting groups for several years now. She hosts a few travel clubs and writes a blog of her musings while on the “road”.
Pamela has cruised all over the world (well, not yet, but it is on her list!!) and can talk about the differences in cruise lines and what they offer. She has travelled extensively in Europe mostly with Oceania and Azamara, but also river cruising and land tours. She founded and facilitates the local Meetup for Womens Travel.
She has been coordinating Meetup sessions to assist travellers to find suitable travel companions and ensure they have access to important travel tips, including travelling gluten free!… She has hosted groups that include
family members, spouses, new friends, and solo travel.
If you know someone who might like to come out and meet other like minded folks, here are some ways to keep in touch with what she is doing!
Pamela is your “travelling” consultant and you can “friend” her on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/pmacdonaldtravel
You can reach her on her cell, 250-857-5518 or email Pamela@DeparturesTravel.com
Follow her blog at www.PamelaTravelBlog.com
or https://www.meetup.com/Womens-Travel-Club/